Please find below a list of training courses where we still have availability. If you have any activists who are interested in attending any of these courses please go to for an application form Please note that all of the courses are subject to numbers.
• Employment Law Discrimination – 14 March – Edinburgh closing date extended to 1 March as currently an insufficient number of applicants
This course is open to experienced stewards and Branch Officers. Covers all aspects of potential discrimination as defined by Equality legislation.
• Mental Health at Work – 20-22 March – Inverness (course commences 12.30pm on the first day, finishing early afternoon of the final day)
This course will assist reps on how to deal with members in difficult situations which may involve “mental illness” – a look at what employers can do, common signs and symptoms of poor mental health in the workplace, strategies for intervention and support, causes and strategies for coping with stress. This course is only available to experienced stewards, officers and H&S Reps. (This course will also be run in Glasgow on 10 & 11 May and 4 & 5 October.)
• Developing Representation Skills – 28-29 March – Glasgow
This is an advanced course which requires delegates to have completed Organising Stewards and Further Representation Skills courses first. The course is designed to develop representation skills, structured around one extended case study and looks at three different ways in which the case could evolve. This course can be used to renew ERA accreditation.
Further information regarding these and all the year’s regional courses can be found on the course programme
Can we also advertise the following course which has just been added to this year’s programme in Inverness:-
• Organising Stewards (part 1) – 3-5 April – Inverness (course commences 12.30pm on the first day, finishing mid afternoon of the final day)
• Organising Stewards (part 2) – 8-10 May – Inverness (course commences 12.30pm on the first day, finishing mid afternoon of the final day)
This first course for new stewards will develop skills, knowledge and confidence to enable them to carry out their role and it covers the role of the organising union in public services, the importance of equalities, tackling issues in the workplace, working with members, understanding procedures, handling grievances and disciplinaries and understanding the world UNISON works in, both nationally and internationally. This is an essential course for those who want to become effective as workplace representatives and is compulsory for new accreditation.